Monday, April 29, 2019

04292019 - Life In The UP: Damn Beaver Dams

04292019 - Life In The UP: Damn Beaver Dams

Basement flooded at the Sues' farm - took a look-see in the sump pump and noticed it was a steady stream on clear water [not ground water] coming in. Holy Whoa - definitely a underground stream - no wonder the combination of the sump pump and county pump couldn't keep up with the steady flow of water!

So, out to the pond we went - and sure enough no water was flowing - stagnant as all heck. Followed the barely trickling stream from the pond down to Indian Creek and found three huge beaver dams, clogging up the pond. 

This is what two yooper women armed with a pitch-fork can accomplish. And you betcha, we got the water table lowered at the farm.

So far, four of those pesky beavers have been trapped - it wasn't just one or two, but an entire gang!

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

04232019 - Yooper Girl Coffee Break At The Waterfalls

04232019 - Yooper Girl Coffee Break At The Waterfalls

After two solid days of rain, the sun finally came out today - and so, I decided to sit outside and enjoy my coffee break out at the falls behind my place.
Peace and love from the U.P. Northwoods,

Sunday, April 21, 2019

04212019 - UP Waterfalls on Powder Mill Creek - Gogebic County

04212019 - UP Waterfalls on Powder Mill Creek

YES! There was finally enough snow melt in my neck of the woods today, to venture out the few yards behind my place on Powderhorn Mountain, to finally take in the beautiful site of the falls.

The Rapids...

The falls...